Holodomor Pogroms of America – Sodom & Gomorrah 2.0

The current Global Reset control systems are designed to Democide all opposition. 300 Banks in pipeline to close. CBDC & Vaxx passports to replace Fiat 2.0, a cashless society. Taxes, insurances, zoning, codes & statutes designed to herd masses into 15 minute Cities and Corpses-Orations to monopolize AG. Washington shutting down small farms & gardens. WHO Pandemic TREATY to roll out June Global Reset Agenda 2030 Marshal Law Slave Plantation Police State Bird Flu Lock Downs Famines Plagues & pestilence (the recent illusion this has been defeated for the moment). White House’s downloadable app has Internationally flown 360,000 Illegals FELONS into TX, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Orlando & Tampa with 12 million+ into USA phase 1 continues while launching phase 2 where these illegals invite their friends n family & fellow Foreign Mercenaries & Terrorists in to destroy our Roman Empire 2.0. DMV & DOT allows Illegals to buy and drive cars. The ATF authorized Illegals to buy guns. UN/OIM, US/DHS & Jews/HIAS financing these Illegals Military Invasion with free transportation, bussing, flights, $10,000 debit cards, housing, groceries, utilities, medical, education, voting & employment. The very benefits that our heros, the Vets are denied. Civil War , Anarchy, Chaos looming by design. Chemtrails phase 1 Demociding all life, humans, livestock ,crops, soil, water, wild life & marine life. Phase 2 pending. 5G & 6G alpha, beta & gamma frequencies activating to trigger IoT, IoB & The Mark of the Beast mRNA HEK293 Pharmakeia Sorcery COVID Vaxxed, Marburgs & Bird Flu. mRNA injected into all food chain, wild life, water supply, mandatory Vaxxes & Chemtrails next. Gates GMO Malaria+ Mosquitoes. Organic vegetables displays sprayed with toxins (Apeel) at grocery stores. Informed Consent via Leave the World Behind & Civil War movies. DEW Space X fires CA, HI, VA, China & TX (USA’s #1 beef producer) so far. Zionist Genocide of Gaza. WEF Cyber Polygon supply chain disruptions: Evergreen Suez Canal, Turkey, OK, Key Bridge Baltimore, trains derailing & DEW so far. Shutting down farmers thru Climate Crisis propaganda, taxations & communist statutes. Destroying dozens of food production facilities thru fires and bird flu (culling millions of chickens & turkeys) based upon fraudulent PCR Tests that inventor Kerry Mullins warned against fraudulent manipulation. Exterminating heirloom seed industry & farmers by litigating while substituting toxic patented GMO seeds causing cancers, diseases & infertility. Spraying toxic Monsanto Round Up Glyphosate on yards, gardens, golf courses and farmlands infiltrating our wells, aquifers and water sources. So rampant that every nursing mother in America passes glyphosate to their new born infants thru their breast milk. There are 287 chemicals in the umbilical cords of new born babies. Spreading Biosludge aka human manure and dissolved Aquafication human corpses (Soylent Green) & industrial toxic waste forever chemicals & Pharmakeia onto ranches, farms, gardens, groves, vineyards, ranches thereby allowing Governments to shut them down as hazardous material sites. LA, NY & Chicago recruiting Illegals giving them pistols and police badges. US Military enlisting Illegals w uniforms, AKs & citizenship. US DoJ, FBI , CIA WH #1 target is God fearing, patriotic, white, men like the J6 4 years with out hearing or trials against Constitution & Geneva Convention. An ineligible Kenyan & Michael (first transgender FLOTUS) the oval office then his senile vp was fraudulently Selected and no justice shall occur in either count. SCOTUS is guilty of acts of treason from Not honoring their oath of office by defending the Constitution from all enemies foreign & domestic. Via Article 4 Section 4 Defending Our Borders vs cutting barbed wire borders. There are Constitutional remedies for treason. However, in a lawless almost Godless society justice is bought & biased at best and mostly blatantly diabolically evil. God destroyed Sodom & Gomorrah for what we are doing to our children in the womb, class rooms, homes & society. There are no records of several of the WH Administration even making Oaths of Office. Black Rock, Vanguard & State Street ESG scoring guts entrepreneurs & corps by design and penalizes & destroys those who do not comply. FISA & Patriot Act SPYING on US Citizens (RENEWED & enhanced) with out a Warrant against our Bill of Rights 1st and 4th Amendment (George Orwell’s 1984 & Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged). NYC Soros Judicial witch hunt w Trump as an example of America’s wicked corrupted broken court system of (IN)justice. CERN is conjuring demonic powers, CRISPR is changing human DNA thru mRNA making Vaxxed humanity Patent Owned Transhumans that no longer are classified as humans therefore, no longer legally possess any human rights. AI – Artificial Intelligence is a mostly Satanic master central control system & Wall Street Derivatives world wide total US$1,200 Trillion that is floating this fiat fantasy debt currencies casino poised to collapse. Hence, WWII to kick that can down the road and trigger Global Reset Agenda 2030 roll out Global Slave Plantation. Weimar 2.0, Hyper-devaluation caused by The Federal Reserve creating fiat toilet paper out of thin air and the Federal Debt approaching $40 Trillion. The Great Depression, RTC & TARP were just beta tests for this designed Titanic Tsunami financial house of cards collapse in process. Barter is a solution. However, the current control systems demand conformity & compliance to their system of settlement ie fiat & CBDC. Internet, cell phones & communications censorship statutes about to be ramped up & dissidents rounded up. IRS 80,000 New Agents and $700,000 in New ammo to knock knock on the resistance businesses and homesteads. Benevolent Bill Gates owns 270,909 acres , the King of Depopulation via Vaxxes including The Mark of the Beast COVID Vaxx, GMO Malaria Mosquitos & Lab grown toxic “meats”. China owns 360,000 acres of land in USA including 10 square miles adjacent to a critical military base in Texas & now China is installing 700 foot wind turbines with cameras to spy on base and to tie into USA electrical grid in order to sabotage grid and attack & take over base. 12 million+ Illegal Invaders of Foreign Mercenaries , Terrorists , Soldiers, Gangs , Felons & Drug Cartels given weapons Police badges & US military weapons & uniforms to make war upon Americans on American Soil shall create a blood bath Civil War by design. Just shut off the 12 million Illegals US Government income or pay them a bonus (& the assets of their victims of war/bootie of war) for every American life they take. Therein lies the conflict created to subjugate the masses. As long as we participate in any of their control systems we submit as their slaves. The Native Indians & American Revolutionary Patriots were the last to live true freedom upon these lands. Anyways, “all these things Must come to pass”…..does not say coulda, woulda, shoulda:



June update 1: Shutting off 500,000 acres of water Idaho Potato farms to provide water for Cobalt mining. 37 million illegals amnesty aka USA Citizenship equals replacement population while mandatory draft Americans 18-26 years old male & female removes future parents producing America’s next generation of Americans. 80,000 Biosludge chemicals spread onto farms, ranches, orchards, golf courses and lawns EPA now declaring Haz Mat materials sites…..WHO Pandemic Treaty 13 countries agree to arrest Bird Flu Vaxx dissenters & unvaxxed. Weather manipulation world wide. Netherlands cashless rolling out CBDC. DEW fires NM this week. Bird Flu culling herds and flocks of live stock. Wildlife injected w mRNA Vaxx. Aluminum from Chemtrails Bee Colony Collapse (no plants or crops pollination). Australia burning bee hives by thousands…..WEF Cyber Polygon…..Global Supply Chain Disruption. BRICS controlling Global shipping lanes.

Irish Potato Famine 2.0 – No Water 500,000 Acres Idaho Potatoes

This 500,000 acres of Idaho potato farms water shut down has been repealed / stopped for the moment.


June update 2: Crypto is an additional layer of unaudited secrecy than Fiat Federal Reserve. In addition, it is dependent upon electronic communication systems functioning and/or not blocked/deplatformed. Crypto like Fed Reserve notes are backed by nothing tangible aka IOUs. You can not eat, wear or live in precious metals or crypto. Better to be like Joseph of ancient Egypt and have edible stored foodstuffs for 7 years +. Ultimately, the masses sold all they had, all their cash (gold & silver), all their valuables (weapons) and then their actual lives into slavery FOR FOOD TO EAT. History is repeating. Read the book Digital Gold as the deceptions of even the recent history of Crypto fraud is repeating:



Sodom 2.0:


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