Suspect Photographers ?

Spokane Photographers Considered Suspicious al-Qaeda Types

Kurt Nimmo
May 17, 2011

In the Soviet Union and communist countries, photography in public was considered suspect. It is now the same in the New Soviet Union, the United States of America, formerly the land of the free and the home of the brave, now land of the surveilled and home of the cowed.
As the web form below demonstrates, photography is now considered suspicious and possibly criminal, the same as theft and physical intrusion.

The Spokane County Sheriff’s Office may actually believe a certain number of photographers are working for al-Qaeda – or the Sovereign Citizens movement – but the actual reason for listing such normally innocuous behavior as suspect is to get subjects of the state to realize they are living in a dictatorship… minus all the Stalinesque statues.

3 Responses to “Suspect Photographers ?”

  1. Lillie Mccalla Says:

    Heya – Nice blog, just looking around some pages, it seems to be a quite awesome platform you are running here. I am just currently using WordPress for some of my web sites but looking to change one of these over to a platform similar to yours just for a tryout run. Anything in particular you would recommend about it?

  2. Joseph Jackson Says:

    Have you considered putting some social bookmark links to your site? At least add one for Stumbleupon so we are able to ping them up!

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