Trump Global Reset or Psyop Patriot ?

Trump & Schwab , founder of . A Warlock leading NWO aka Global Reset & Agenda 2030 Depopulation

Trump & Melania , Epstein & Maxwell of child sex trafficking Epstein Island Lolita Express .

Trump & Clintons like professional wrestling they have their photo ops then behind the scenes drinking buddies & skullduggery ?

Trump ? having blogged that, Trump could have released JFK Assassination FBI files and did not. Pounds his chest still about spearheading Project Warp Speed aka COVID Vaxx Mark of The Beast, attended Klaus Schwab NWO meeting, his net worth consists of real estate Mortgaged by NWO Bankers aka his NWO Puppet Masters have Trump by the balls & Melania Trump Porn search on Internet still has her naked pictures from her past, Melania n Trump meet at Jeffrey Epstein’s partner Grislain Maxwells night club in NYC…..he could have risen to have the 600+ J6 Trump supporters released from DC prisons held against Geneva Convention standards and has not. Could have pardoned Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning, John McAfee and did not…… through Executive Order he could have reversed Obama’s Executive Orders, NDAA, Propaganda, Chemtrails, Agenda 2030, GMOs, Fluoridation, Fracking, BLM, Military Industrial Complex, LGBT Agenda in schools……he did not. He could have exposed Obama’s birth certificate, First Lady MICHAEL Obama, Soros, Gates, Fauci, CDC, Pharmakeia, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Rothschild, Schwab, NWO, Global reset, Bush Massad 9/11, NASA Hoax, Gulf of Tonkin, Federal Reserve, UN, CFR, WEF, WHO, ATF, IRS, CIA, FBI, DHS, FEMA , Black Ops, False Flags shootings Schools, Vegas, Waco, Oklahoma City Bombing, Social Security bankruptcy theft , The Clinton Foundation, Eppstein Maxwell child sex trafficking Clients evidence, the truth about Iran Contra…..he did not…..he could have DeClassified all the files released by Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning, and granted them Presidential Pardon along with J6 Patriots…..he did not…..could have Declassified thousands of files IF he wanted to SINCERELY CLEAN UP THE SWAMP…..HE DID NOT……what would you do if NWO threatened your family members lives as they did JFK, RFK, MLK & US Supreme Court Justice Scalia ?

161 Rabbis gave Trump their Silver Crown of The Torah inscribed The Prince of Peace , The Jews Proclaimed Messiah

Trump Illuminati Playing Card from 1985

Trump inspecting Chemtrails airplane interior skullduggery

2 Responses to “Trump Global Reset or Psyop Patriot ?”

  1. Holodomor Pogroms of America – Sodom & Gomorrah 2.0 | 2012 Patriot Says:

    […] Trump Global Reset or Psyop Patriot ? […]

  2. April 2024 Sodom & Gomorrah 2.0 | 2012 Patriot Says:

    […] Trump Global Reset or Psyop Patriot ? […]

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