Change ? Hail Caesar, Heil Hitler & Yes We Can ?

Obama in Berlin !!!

Obama in Berlin !!!

Good News: FCC Forces Phones to Accept Presidential Messages (CAMPAIGN MESSAGES = PRESIDENTIAL PROPAGANDA ????)

by Stephan Tawney on May 10, 2011

Get ready to receive messages from the president on your cell phone. The best part? You can’t unsubscribe! Because the Federal Communications Commission has decided that you have to get those — by law. The craptastic system will debut in New York City but then spread nationwide.

NEW YORK, (CBSNewYork) – A new national alert system is set to begin in New York City that will alert the public to emergencies via cell phones.

Presidential and local emergency messages as well as Amber Alerts would appear on cell phones equipped with special chips and software.
The Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Emergency Management Agency said the system would also warn about terrorist attacks and natural disasters.

Verizon and AT&T, the nation’s largest cell phone carriers, are already on board. Consumers would be able to opt out of all but those presidential messages…

For now, the system is capable on certain high-end cell phones but starting next year, all cell phones will be required to have the chip that receives alerts.

By the end of the year, the new system will be in place in New York City and Washington and in cities around the country by the end of 2012.

Hey, great idea! Let’s have the federal government force us to receive messages from the president on our phones by the next presidential election. Messages you can’t stop, because that’d be against the wishes of the federal government. On a completely unrelated note, the chief executive of the federal government is the same president. Go figure!

How long before we get the first political-related message? Something about global warming, government funding, the threat of a government shutdown over a budget dispute, or something along those lines? Over/under is six months.

And no, the government installing chips in your phones and making the same phone accept messages from Dear Leader totally isn’t creepy, why do you ask?

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Dad was SS Nazi

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