Archive for May, 2011

Chinese Toxic Watermelons Explode ?

May 18, 2011

Posted on May 17, 2011 at 8:15am by Mike Opelka Print »Email »

The Exploding Watermelons! It sounds more like a name for an indy rock band than a problem in the produce fields of China. But it is not a band. Apparently watermelons are exploding all over China.

Thanks to overzealous spraying of something called a “growth promoter,” Chinese watermelons are literally bursting. The BBC coverage claims:

An investigation by state media found farms in Jiangsu province were losing acres of fruit because of the problem.

ACRES OF FRUIT? Imagine the coverage that would be generated by the news media in America if acres of farmland were decimated by bursting melons.

Australia’s Nine network covered the watermelon story as well and pointed out the following:

China is battling rampant misuse of pesticides, fertilizers and food additives, like dyes and sweeteners, meant to make food more attractive and boost sales.

“Rampant misuse.” Those words should trigger a serious response in American consumers. After all, China is responsible for many large product recalls and problems:

Shipping tens of millions of lead paint covered toys

Baby bibs tainted with lead

Melamine tainted dog food killed untold numbers of dogs

Powdered milk was also found to have melamine in it

Candy from China was discovered to contain melamine as well

Tainted drywall from China is causing problems all across America

While China’s exports flood this country and are often cheaper on the store shelves, they may carry serious hidden costs that pop up later. Could this be a sign?

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Love Child ?

May 18, 2011

Posted on May 18, 2011 at 7:30am by Jonathon M. Seidl Print »Email »

It seems we are getting our first look at Arnold Schwarzenegger’s mistress and love child. Several outlets are reporting the woman is 50-year-old Mildred “Patty” Baena, who worked as a housekeeper for Arnold for 20 years.

“She’s the one,” a source told, while a second source confirmed: “They have a son together.” There are pictures of Baena making the rounds, most of them pulled off her Myspace page. The Daily Mail has some of them:

Baena in a picture from her Myspace page. She’s allegedly posing with Arnold’s love child.

TMZ reports that the couple‘s relationship began in the 90’s, when Baena “pursued” Arnold:

Sources tell TMZ — in the late ’90s Patty began to “pursue Arnold.” She told friends they would have unprotected sex during the day at the house. Patty never slept overnight at the house and no one ever caught them in the act.
We’re told when she became pregnant, she didn’t tell Arnold he was the father. Arnold didn’t learn he was the daddy until the boy was a toddler.

“We are not revealing the identity of the boy, however his features are eerily like Arnold’s,” TMZ says. “We have various pictures of him at various ages (he’s now 10 or 11) and each picture shows striking similarities, especially the mouth and teeth.”

Nazi Lover Schwarzenegger: Make Me President of European Union

Kurt Nimmo
April 23, 2011

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the washed up B-actor who served a disastrous stint as California’s governor, is now gunning for the presidency of the European Union.

“The Austrian-born former body builder, 63, at loose ends as he tries to figure out what his next act should be, reportedly is being advised by aides to return to his native Europe to run for the EU presidency,” reports the AFP.

“In the next few years, the EU will be looking for a much more high-profile president – somebody who can unify Europe,” Schwarzenegger’s chief of staff Terry Tamminen told Newsweek.

The role of unelected unifier fits Schwarzenegger’s aspirations perfectly. His high profile includes an admiration for one of the 20th century’s most brutal dictators, Adolph Hitler.

A film producer who chronicled Schwarzenegger’s rise to fame as a champion bodybuilder in the 1970′s circulated a book proposal in the late 90s that quoted the young Schwarzenegger expressing admiration for Hitler.

The producer wrote in his book proposal that in the 1970′s, he considered Mr. Schwarzenegger a “flagrant, outspoken admirer of Hitler.,” the New York Times reported in 2003. In the proposal, Mr. Butler also said he had witnessed Schwarzenegger playing “Nazi marching songs from long-playing records in his collection at home” and said that the actor “frequently clicked his heels and pretended to be an S.S. officer.”

Gustav Schwarzenegger, the actor’s father, was a member of the Sturmabteilung, or SA, the Nazi party’s paramilitary wing. News reports about the elder Schwarzenegger’s Nazi links first surfaced in 1990.

Schwarzenegger was buddies withKurt Waldheim, the former secretary general of the United Nations who had a past as a Nazi who participated in atrocities during World War II.

The EU presidency is an unelected office. The current president, Herman van Rompuy, was taken to task last year by British MEP Nigel Farage who criticized the Bilderberg member as “the quiet assassin of European nation states” who has “the charisma of a damp rag and the appearance of a low grade bank clerk.”

Van Rompuy proclaimed 2009 as the year of world government. “2009 is also the first year of global governance, with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis. The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet,” he said. Prior to this declaration, he attended a Bilderberg meeting at Hertoginnendal, Brussels.

The Nazi-loving Schwarzenegger would be the perfect president for a body that repeatedly calls for global governance, that is to say an authoritarian world government of the sort lorded over by unelected bureaucrats and run by a hereditary elite and a gaggle of international bankers.

Newsweek reports that Schwarzenegger is preparing himself for the role by working with the United Nations “and other organizations on climate change and numerous other charitable causes.”

Prior to considering the EU post, Schwarzenegger expressed an interest in becoming the president of the United States. Fortunately, the U.S. Constitution stands between him and that office.

During recent meeting in London between Schwarzenegger and Prime Minister David Cameron, the British leader said: “We need to change the (US) Constitution and then you can run (for president). That’s what we’re going to do.”

For more on the checkered past and totalitarian leanings of Schwarzenegger, see Alex Jones’ website Arnold Exposed.

Maria Shriver Kennedy Clan – Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger – Dad Nazi SS –

513 Illegal Immigrants ?

May 18, 2011

TUXTLA GUTIERREZ, Mexico (AP) — Police in Mexico’s southern Chiapas state found 513 migrants on Tuesday inside two trailer trucks bound for the United States.

Hundreds of thousands of migrants travel through Mexico each year in the hopes of reaching the United States, but this was the largest group rescued in recent years.

Chiapas state police discovered the migrants while using X-ray equipment on the trucks at a checkpoint in the outskirts of city of Tuxtla Gutierrez, the National Immigration Institute said in a statement.

Police also arrested four people accused of smuggling the migrants, who are from Central and South America and Asia, Chiapas state prosecutors said in a statement.

The alleged smugglers tried to escape police but were chased down and captured, prosecutors said.

The immigration institute said 410 of the migrants were from Guatemala, 47 from El Salvador, 32 from Ecuador, 12 from India, six from Nepal, three from China and one each from Japan, the Dominican Republic and Honduras. There were 32 women and four children among them.

The migrants told authorities they had agreed to pay $7,000 to be taken to the United States, the institute said.

In January, Chiapas state authorities discovered 219 migrants squeezed into a trailer truck.

Most of those migrants were from Central America but six were from Sri Lanka and four from Nepal.

Chinese Shoot US Soldiers Game ?

May 18, 2011

A taste of what is in US future ???

Posted on May 18, 2011 at 11:51am by Jonathon M. Seidl Print »Email »

The largely-unspoken, and uneasy, tension between the United States and China may have just gotten a little more apparent. A new video game sponsored the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) now allows players to target and shoot American commandos. reports the new game, “Glorious Mission,” was developed by China’s Giant Network Technology Co. It sends “soldiers’ off to basic training and then sets them out on various missions. For the most part, it’s modeled after many American-made shooting games. But the comparisons may end at the graphics once you read this:

But there’s one key difference between the American and Chinese “shooters.” Where the bad guys in America’s Army are generic Middle Eastern or Central Asian insurgents and terrorists, the enemy in Glorious Mission is apparently the U.S. military. A TV report offers glimpses of an American-made Apache gunship crashing in flames.

There’s another big difference. America’s Army [an American-made game] has been criticized for having a subtle, propagandistic effect on young players. In Glorious Mission, the politics are anything but subtle. Following training and combat, the game’s third stage recreates the “fiery political atmosphere of camp life,” according to one Chinese-language news report.

Aspartame & Donald Rumsfeld ?

May 18, 2011

PCB’s – Agent Orange – BGH – Bovine Growth Hormone – Monsanto – Seed & Food Monopoly – Aspartame = Lethal Toxic per US Air Force – Aspartame Disease = Donald Rumsfeld & FDA – sold out to Monsanto for $12 million – Mass medication thru Sodium Fluoride – Fluoridation first used in Hitler’s Nazi Concentration Camps – vaccinations – thermosyl – mercury – David Icke – GMO – genetically modified organisms –

Are You Common Stock ?

May 18, 2011

Jordan Maxwell – all capital letters – United States of America, INC. – Birth Certificate – Admiralty Law – black robes – judges rule from and for the “bench” = bank – you are a franchisee of a foreign corporation –

Hidden Knowledge ?

May 18, 2011

Jordan Maxwell

#1 Al Qaeda Anwar al-Awlaki Pentagon Guest ???

May 17, 2011

Anwar Al Awlaki Terrorist? Or Pentagon / CIA Asset? YOU MAKE THE CALL!

Lieberman ‘Will Have Questions’ About Awlaki’s Post-9/11 Pentagon Dinner

Aaron Dykes
May 17, 2011

Leading neocon in Congress, Sen. Joe Lieberman, responded to questions and indicated that he would investigate why al Qaeda’s now #1 operative, Anwar al-Awlaki, was invited to an official Department of Defense meeting in the wake of the September 11 attacks.
The questions were raised by Luke Rudkowski, We Are founder and contributor for RT’s Adam vs. The Man, who confronted the senator, citing reports in both Fox News and CBS News.

Lieberman initially dismissed the questions, saying he’d be ‘surprised’ by such reports, but later stated that he “will look into that.” However, Sen. Lieberman suggested that the Pentagon likely did not know who he was ‘at the time.’ This notion is debunked, however, as the FBI repeatedly flagged Awlaki for links to at least three hijackers in the first week after 9/11.
“Well, I’m going to have some questions about that,” Lieberman said, extending his impromptu remarks. “He’s a target of interest. We know that he’s been involved in a series of attacks on our homeland. Of course, he communicates in English on his website. So he’s a particular danger in terms of radicalizing people here in the U.S. who are going to jihadist websites.”

Awlaki is reportedly connected to the Fort Hood shootings, the attempted Christmas Day underwear bombings, the Times Square dud and many other events. Though Awlaki is now considered a target for drone attacks in Yemen as well as the #1 American on the CIA’s kill or capture list, the American-born terrorist was a welcomed guest at the Pentagon, “rubb[ing] shoulders with high-ranking military personnel just months after the atrocities,” according to the Daily Mail.

The event, supposedly an outreach to the Muslim community, was organized by the Army’s Office of Government Counsel. Reports specify that Awlaki was vetted before attending, again, despite having been interviewed repeatedly by the FBI immediately after 9/11 for his links to at least three hijackers. “A former high-ranking FBI agent” who spoke with Fox News blamed an “arrogant” and politically-motivated vetting process at the DoD.

Though Senator Joe Lieberman is an unlikely advocate for exposing the truth behind 9/11, it is important that he acknowledged these questions on record and agreed to look further into the reasons behind them. It is up to the real activists to pressure Lieberman and other elected officials to really investigate the deadly duplicity behind U.S. anti-terrorism policy.
For more information and a detailed analysis of the cozy relationship bred between the Pentagon and its client-group al Qaeda, please read ‘Al Qaeda 100% Pentagon Run.’

Red Beckman ?

May 17, 2011

Alex Jones welcomes back to the show Red Beckman, author of The Law That Never Was and Born Again Republic. Beckman is the founder of the Fully Informed Juries Association and claims that the Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, commonly known as the income tax amendment, was never properly ratified. Red talks with Alex about a recent CBS 60 Minutes hit piece attacking constitutionalists and characterizing the patriot movement as domestic terrorism. Sovereign Citizens portrayed as terrorists. 16th amendment – IRS and Income tax never properly ratified fraud / Media Newspapers controlled by William Randolph Hearst – Austerity measures – riots – revolutions – George Soros – Fox News – dangerous times – economic collapse – stealing of the revolution – tea party anti-government movement – Jury Nullification Legal Power – Federal Reserve – write off the quadrillion in derivatives and End the FED – Vivian Kellums law suit to Withholding Taxes would cease after WW2 – Tax Reforms = Tax Increases

The Pharaoh Show ?

May 17, 2011