Archive for May, 2015


May 28, 2015

nwo upside down pyramid pic freeyourmindnwo illuminati gold pyramid jewelry pic

New World Order We the People


The inverted upside down NWO Pyramid represents the transfer of wealth, power, oligarchs, politics from the 1% to the 99% = CRL & GDF

karen hudes gold bars pic 11262389_366478613546092_855387326880494330_n
GOLD What IF……..
CRL appealed to We the People globally as follows:
CRL Mission:
1. Peacefully Ending Global Apartheid
2. Peacefully Pound the Iron Swords (MIC) into Gold Coins (GDF)
3. Peacefully Restore US Constitution of 1776 (= rescind Secret Constitution of 1871)
4. Peacefully Dissolve D.C. & restore it’s lands to it’s original States (reverse 1861 act)
5. Peacefully Get the US Out of the UN and the UN out of the US (Deed UN lands and blogs to
    homeless 501c3)
6. Peacefully End the FED & it’s Fiats Globally thru GDF Coinage
7. Peacefully End The Global Military Industrial Complex (MIC)
8. GDF shall be equally distributed  (GDF divided by theTotal World Population – EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD)
9. CLR shall equally distribute all Governmental assets & lands (surplus minimum) teach citizen /
    Governmental Boundaries (Including City, County, State, Federal, International….et al)
so……perhaps we might have more in common with Obama = NWO and Redistribution of Wealth…….just NOT same Oligarchies process or results…….rather We the People (WTP)
I TOTALLY SUPPORT you @ this point and your path, plan & cause…….just thinking out loud how the CLR & GDF might gain a world wide audience and 99% of the world’s horsepower (human power)…….
Remember, in the first American Revolution, approximately 3% (of Colonial Populous lead it ,1/3rd supported it, 1/3rd were neutral and 1/3rd opposed it. Thus, similar ratios likely with CLR/GDF cause (= essentially Peaceful 2nd American Revolution / 1st Global Revolution ?) The 90-95% Modeling should support this……..
Further, who were MLK, JFK, Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Harriet Tubman, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Noah & Ruth ??? Men and women who put their pants and skirts on the same way we do………


May 25, 2015

nwo upside down pyramid pic freeyourmindnwo illuminati gold pyramid jewelry pic

New World Order We the People


The inverted upside down NWO Pyramid represents the transfer of wealth, power, oligarchs, politics from the 1% to the 99% = CRL & GDF


<table class=”cf adz” cellpadding=”0″>
<td class=”ady”>
<div class=”iw ajw”><span class=”hb”><span style=”color:#777777;”><a href=””><img class=”alignnone size-medium wp-image-28825″ src=”; alt=”karen hudes gold bars pic 11262389_366478613546092_855387326880494330_n” width=”300″ height=”167″ /></a></span></span></div>
<div class=”ajy”><span style=”color:#777777;”><img id=”:1fq” class=”ajz” src=”; alt=”” /></span></div></td>
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<div id=”:19a” class=”ii gt m14d63fa8919c5082 adP adO”>
<div id=”:1db” class=”a3s”>
<div dir=”ltr”>
<div><strong>GOLD What IF……..</strong></div>
<div>CRL appealed to We the People globally as follows:</div>
<div>CRL Mission:</div>
<div>1. <b><span style=”color:#0000ff;”>Peacefully</span></b> Ending Global Apartheid</div>
<div>2. <b><span style=”color:#0000ff;”>Peacefully</span></b> Pound the Iron Swords (MIC) into Gold Coins (GDF)</div>
<div>3. <b><span style=”color:#0000ff;”>Peacefully</span></b> Restore US Constitution of 1776 (= rescind Secret Constitution of 1871)</div>
<div>4. <b><span style=”color:#0000ff;”>Peacefully</span></b> Dissolve D.C. &amp; restore it’s lands to it’s original States (reverse 1861 act)</div>
<div>5. <b><span style=”color:#0000ff;”>Peacefully</span></b> Get the US Out of the UN and the UN out of the US (Deed UN lands and blogs to</div>
<div>    homeless 501c3)</div>
<div>6. <b><span style=”color:#0000ff;”>Peacefully</span></b> End the FED &amp; it’s Fiats Globally thru GDF Coinage</div>
<div>7. <b><span style=”color:#0000ff;”>Peacefully</span></b> End The Global Military Industrial Complex (MIC)</div>
<div>8. GDF shall be equally distributed  (GDF divided by theTotal World Population – <strong>EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD</strong>)</div>
<div>9. CLR shall equally distribute all Governmental assets &amp; lands (surplus minimum) teach citizen /</div>
<div>    Governmental Boundaries (Including City, County, State, Federal, International….et al)</div>
<div>so……perhaps we might have more in common with Obama = NWO and Redistribution of Wealth…….just NOT same Oligarchies process or results…….rather We the People (WTP)</div>
<div>I TOTALLY SUPPORT you @ this point and your path, plan &amp; cause…….just thinking out loud how the CLR &amp; GDF might gain a world wide audience and 99% of the world’s horsepower (human power)…….</div>
<div class=”gmail_extra”></div>
<div class=”gmail_extra”><b><span style=”color:#0000ff;”>Remember, in the first American Revolution, approximately 3% (of Colonial Populous lead it ,1/3rd supported it, 1/3rd were neutral and 1/3rd opposed it. Thus, similar ratios likely with CLR/GDF cause (= essentially Peaceful 2nd American Revolution / 1st Global Revolution ?) The 90-95% Modeling should support this……..</span></b></div>
<div class=”gmail_extra”><b> </b></div>
<div class=”gmail_extra”><b><span style=”color:#0000ff;”>Further, who were MLK, JFK, Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Harriet Tubman, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Noah &amp; Ruth ??? Men and women who put their pants and skirts on the same way we do………</span></b></div>
<div class=”gmail_extra”><span style=”color:#0000ff;”> </span></div>

GOLD What IF ?

May 19, 2015
karen hudes gold bars pic 11262389_366478613546092_855387326880494330_n
GOLD What IF……..
CRL appealed to We the People globally as follows:
CRL Mission:
1. Peacefully Ending Global Apartheid
2. Peacefully Pound the Iron Swords (MIC) into Gold Coins (GDF)
3. Peacefully Restore US Constitution of 1776 (= rescind Secret Constitution of 1871)
4. Peacefully Dissolve D.C. & restore it’s lands to it’s original States (reverse 1861 act)
5. Peacefully Get the US Out of the UN and the UN out of the US (Deed UN lands and blogs to
    homeless 501c3)
6. Peacefully End the FED & it’s Fiats Globally thru GDF Coinage
7. Peacefully End The Global Military Industrial Complex (MIC)
8. GDF shall be equally distributed  (GDF divided by theTotal World Population – EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD)
9. CLR shall equally distribute all Governmental assets & lands (surplus minimum) teach citizen /
    Governmental Boundaries (Including City, County, State, Federal, International….et al)
so……perhaps we might have more in common with Obama = NWO and Redistribution of Wealth…….just NOT same Oligarchies process or results…….rather We the People (WTP)
I TOTALLY SUPPORT you @ this point and your path, plan & cause…….just thinking out loud how the CLR & GDF might gain a world wide audience and 99% of the world’s horsepower (human power)…….
Remember, in the first American Revolution, approximately 3% (of Colonial Populous lead it ,1/3rd supported it, 1/3rd were neutral and 1/3rd opposed it. Thus, similar ratios likely with CLR/GDF cause (= essentially Peaceful 2nd American Revolution / 1st Global Revolution ?) The 90-95% Modeling should support this……..
Further, who were MLK, JFK, Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Harriet Tubman, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Noah & Ruth ??? Men and women who put their pants and skirts on the same way we do………
queen spoils of war crown from asia and africa gold diamonds
golden lily

Mormon Lands

May 19, 2015

Deseret Ranch LDS Mormon pic orl-deseret720120601120744

Mormon church completes huge buy of land – now owns 2 percent of Florida land

Deseret Ranch cowboys bring in the spring herd.

March 6, 2014|By Kevin Spear, Orlando Sentinel
The Mormon church through its subsidiaries now owns nearly 2 percent of Florida with the completion Thursday of a $562 million purchase of more than 382,000 acres in North Florida’s Panhandle region.

The megapurchase of most of the timberland holdings of real-estate developer St. Joe Co. was announced in November. That property combined with Deseret Ranches in Central Florida leaves the Utah-based Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with 678,000 acres in Florida.


May 19, 2015

Karen Hudes RT

Karen Hudes World Bank Whistleblower

I am the Acting General Counsel of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and I am now working with a coalition for the rule of law to return the world’s gold in the Global Debt Facility to the world’s people. I have actually never stopped working for the Bretton Woods institutions, because I understood from Jacek Kugler’s power transition model that the only way to avoid WWIII was to apply the rule of law in the international financial system. “As I warned Chief Justice John Roberts, when the clerk of the Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit refused to recognize the settlement of my bondholder litigation, “A stakeholder analysis derived from accurate game theory modeling shows a clear fork in the road for the United States: rule of law and the transatlantic alliance or corruption and WWIII, with the ascendency of China.”
The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations told the World Bank not to fire me, but I was fired anyway because the the network of global corporate control
thinks it is above the law:

Click to access exhibit9.pdf

So Senators Lugar, Leahy and Bayh commissioned this GAO study . On November 4, 2008 Congressman Chris Van Hollen informed me that he noted “that my claims and concerns have already been provided to the GAO…. and to the relevant congressional committees”. In March 2009 GAO stated that it could not commence the inquiry “because of challenges we recently faced in gaining access to World Bank officials.” (see p. 24) Senator Lugar asked about the delay in the GAO review during hearings on the IBRD capital increase…/banking-on-reform-capital-i…
The US Congress required effects of retaliation against World Bank whistleblowers to be eliminated before the disbursement of the US contribution to the World Bank’s capital increase: § 7082 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012 (Pub. L. 112-74).…/Whistleblower+provisions+in+Appr…
and § 7048(a)(1)(B) of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2014, (Pub.L. 113–46)…/bi…/hr3547/BILLS-113hr3547enr.pdf
On November 28, 2012 I discussed my reinstatement in this video…#! (See minute 1:29) On December 20, 2012 I wrote the following to the Congressional appropriations committees considering disbursement of the capital increase for the World Bank about Secretary Geithner’s misrepresentations to Congress: “The Treasury Department should be sanctioned for its report to the Appropriations Committees dated November 21, 2012 on World Bank Reform pursuant to Section 7082 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012 (Pub. L. 112-74). The uncertified report is inaccurate in all material respects.”
The Board of Governors reinstated me in settlement of my bondholder lawsuit on 12.20.12…/uploa…/2013/01/ljudicialconference1.pdf On January 11, 2013, Treasury Secretary Geithner stepped down.…/tim_geithner_steps_down_most_importa…
Then Allied Barton (owned by the network of global corporate control)
which provides security services to the World Bank and IMF refused me entry. Then the Secret Service ignored the badge the Board of Governors gave me at the 2013 Spring Meetings. Then Eric Holder sued me for criminal trespass,…/karen-hudes-update-this-is-a-lon… and the Court dismissed charges July 2014.
Sara Aviel, then Alternate Executive Director for the US on the Board of Executive Directors, allowed Allied Barton to illegally throw me out of the World Bank headquarters on January 28, 2015. I tweeted that Aviel had breached the World Bank’s Articles of Agreement, and six days later she left the World Bank. Commander Michael Reese of DC’s Second Precinct was replaced the week following my complaint to the D.C. Board of Ethics and Government Accountability. DC Council’s General Counsel, Dave Zvenyach, lost his job the week I tweeted his involvement in this corruption.
The United States is subject to state capture, and we are operating under a second, secret Constitution. The courts have been corrupted. At the suggestion of the clerks, I asked the District Court and the Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia to comment on the secret contracts of adhesion the banks hide in our signature cards that waive our rights under the Constitution to real courts. When these judges refused to comment, I presented claims against the surety and fidelity bonds of the Federal judiciary for breaking their oaths of office
None of the 188 Ministers of Finance has objected to my writing to them on World Bank letterhead: I am authorized to go before interbank screens as counsel for the Global Debt Facility.

Mormon Gold & Land

May 13, 2015

Book of Mormon partially sealed – original is made of gold

Mormon Temple, Washington D.C. – 6 Spires are gold gilded as is the Angel Moroni Sounding Trumpet on top of a spire (below) :

Bill Marriott financed a significant portion of the Temple.

Mormons largest private landowners in Florida with 2% of the land. Purchased $562,000,000 in land from St. Joe Land founded by Alfred I. DuPont:

The Coalition for the Rule of Law – CRL Member – Karen Hudes

May 12, 2015
CX85MY The gold bronze Lady Justice statue with sword and scales above the Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey, London

CX85MY The gold bronze Lady Justice statue with sword and scales above the Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey, London



brics 2014 755x285_fill_brics1

Brics maps news_bBRICS


CRL  = BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa) + Germany



Aurum Gold Currency – Karen Hudes

What if you could carry and exchange gold in the exact same manner as you do with the dollar bills in your wallet? I’ve recently been introduced to a technology that’s making this possible. In today’s podcast, I speak with Adam Trexler, President of Valaurum, about this technology and the gold-infused notes it creates. Valaurum’s mission is to democratize ownership of gold by converting it into a form affordable to anyone.

Democratizing Gold

In short, a fractional gram’s worth of gold is affixed to layers of polyester, creating a note called an “Aurum” similar in dimension and thickness to a U.S. dollar bill. This gold (usually 1/10th or 1/20th of a gram) is commercially recoverable. So an Aurum offers similar potential as a coin or bar, in terms of providing a vehicle for storing and exchanging known, dependable increments of precious metals just in much smaller (and more affordable) amounts than commercially available to date. The big idea here? In a world where a 1oz coin of gold costs over $1,200, an Aurum will let you hold a few dollars’ worth of gold in a single note. If you’ve got pocket change, you can be a precious metals owner. And you don’t have to change your behavior. You can store and transport an Aurum in your billfold along with your dollars.

Understanding the Aurum

As the saying goes, a picture’s worth a thousand words. Here’s a picture of an Aurum designed for Peak Prosperity that the Valaurum team produced for us:

(click here to purchase)

(click here to purchase)

You’ll see that with even just 1/20th of a gram of gold involved, it’s enough to make the Aurum appear to be “made of” gold. The characteristic luster, color, and shine of the 24-karat gold used is immediately apparent. The Aurum is designed to be handled in the same manner as we do with our “paper” money. And, despite having a more ‘plastic’ feel to it (resulting from the polyester backing), it’s as flexible, lightweight, and familiar-feeling as paper currency. The big difference, of course, is that instead of being a claim on something else, it simply is what it is: a fractional gram of gold. It can be stored, traded, or melted down just like a coin or bar. Here’s a brief video that gives an overview of the production process:


Being able to hold gold in this form is significant for several reasons. First, it makes gold ownership available to all budgets. Many of the world’s households have been priced out of gold to date. This changes that completely. Second, it enables the potential for everyday transactions should we ever return to a precious metal-backed monetary standard. It answers the challenge: How will you pay for your groceries with gold? With an Aurum, it’s now easy. Whether Valaurum’s product emerges as the winning horse or not, the world definitely needs this type of solution (i.e., convenient fractional physical metal) to go mainstream. I’m very excited by this new innovation in the bullion industry, and I explore the matter in depth in this podcast. If you’re similarly intrigued, it’s worth the listen. And for those of you interested in owning an Aurum of your own, you can learn how to purchase the Peak Prosperity Aurum pictured above by clicking here. Click the play button below to listen to my interview with Adam Trexler (36m:59s):

Adam Taggart: Hello, and welcome to the Resilient Life podcast. Resilient Life is part of, and it is where we focus on practical and actionable knowledge for building a better future. I am your host, Adam Taggart, and today’s guest is Adam Trexler. Adam Trexler is the president of Valaurum, which is a very interesting company that Chris and I have come across. One of the very common criticisms, I guess you could say, that we will oftentimes encounter with people when we talk about the wisdom of owning precious metals, particularly in physical form, is, Well, hey, if you are read more

The Coalition for the Rule of Law – CRL Member – Karen Hudes

May 12, 2015
CX85MY The gold bronze Lady Justice statue with sword and scales above the Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey, London

CX85MY The gold bronze Lady Justice statue with sword and scales above the Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey, London



brics 2014 755x285_fill_brics1

Brics maps news_bBRICS


CRL = BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa) + Germany

Aurum Gold Currency – Karen Hudes

What if you could carry and exchange gold in the exact same manner as you do with the dollar bills in your wallet?

I’ve recently been introduced to a technology that’s making this possible.

In today’s podcast, I speak with Adam Trexler, President of Valaurum, about this technology and the gold-infused notes it creates. Valaurum’s mission is to democratize ownership of gold by converting it into a form affordable to anyone.

Democratizing Gold

In short, a fractional gram’s worth of gold is affixed to layers of polyester, creating a note called an “Aurum” similar in dimension and thickness to a U.S. dollar bill. This gold (usually 1/10th or 1/20th of a gram) is commercially recoverable. So an Aurum offers similar potential as a coin or bar, in terms of providing a vehicle for storing and exchanging known, dependable increments of precious metals just in much smaller (and more affordable) amounts than commercially available to date.

The big idea here? In a world where a 1oz coin of gold costs over $1,200, an Aurum will let you hold a few dollars’ worth of gold in a single note. If you’ve got pocket change, you can be a precious metals owner.

And you don’t have to change your behavior. You can store and transport an Aurum in your billfold along with your dollars.

Understanding the Aurum

As the saying goes, a picture’s worth a thousand words. Here’s a picture of an Aurum designed for Peak Prosperity that the Valaurum team produced for us:

(click here to purchase)

(click here to purchase)

You’ll see that with even just 1/20th of a gram of gold involved, it’s enough to make the Aurum appear to be “made of” gold. The characteristic luster, color, and shine of the 24-karat gold used is immediately apparent.

The Aurum is designed to be handled in the same manner as we do with our “paper” money. And, despite having a more ‘plastic’ feel to it (resulting from the polyester backing), it’s as flexible, lightweight, and familiar-feeling as paper currency.

The big difference, of course, is that instead of being a claim on something else, it simply is what it is: a fractional gram of gold. It can be stored, traded, or melted down just like a coin or bar.

Here’s a brief video that gives an overview of the production process:


Being able to hold gold in this form is significant for several reasons.

First, it makes gold ownership available to all budgets. Many of the world’s households have been priced out of gold to date. This changes that completely.

Second, it enables the potential for everyday transactions should we ever return to a precious metal-backed monetary standard. It answers the challenge: How will you pay for your groceries with gold? With an Aurum, it’s now easy.

Whether Valaurum’s product emerges as the winning horse or not, the world definitely needs this type of solution (i.e., convenient fractional physical metal) to go mainstream.

I’m very excited by this new innovation in the bullion industry, and I explore the matter in depth in this podcast. If you’re similarly intrigued, it’s worth the listen.

And for those of you interested in owning an Aurum of your own, you can learn how to purchase the Peak Prosperity Aurum pictured above by clicking here.

Click the play button below to listen to my interview with Adam Trexler (36m:59s):


Adam Taggart: Hello, and welcome to the Resilient Life podcast. Resilient Life is part of, and it is where we focus on practical and actionable knowledge for building a better future. I am your host, Adam Taggart, and today’s guest is Adam Trexler. Adam Trexler is the president of Valaurum, which is a very interesting company that Chris and I have come across.

One of the very common criticisms, I guess you could say, that we will oftentimes encounter with people when we talk about the wisdom of owning precious metals, particularly in physical form, is, Well, hey, if you are read more

CRL Member – The Coalition for the Rule of Law – Karen Hudes

May 12, 2015
CX85MY The gold bronze Lady Justice statue with sword and scales above the Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey, London

CX85MY The gold bronze Lady Justice statue with sword and scales above the Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey, London

brics 2014 755x285_fill_brics1

Brics maps news_bBRICS


CRL = BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa) + Germany

Aurum Gold Currency – Karen Hudes

What if you could carry and exchange gold in the exact same manner as you do with the dollar bills in your wallet?

I’ve recently been introduced to a technology that’s making this possible.

In today’s podcast, I speak with Adam Trexler, President of Valaurum, about this technology and the gold-infused notes it creates. Valaurum’s mission is to democratize ownership of gold by converting it into a form affordable to anyone.

Democratizing Gold

In short, a fractional gram’s worth of gold is affixed to layers of polyester, creating a note called an “Aurum” similar in dimension and thickness to a U.S. dollar bill. This gold (usually 1/10th or 1/20th of a gram) is commercially recoverable. So an Aurum offers similar potential as a coin or bar, in terms of providing a vehicle for storing and exchanging known, dependable increments of precious metals just in much smaller (and more affordable) amounts than commercially available to date.

The big idea here? In a world where a 1oz coin of gold costs over $1,200, an Aurum will let you hold a few dollars’ worth of gold in a single note. If you’ve got pocket change, you can be a precious metals owner.

And you don’t have to change your behavior. You can store and transport an Aurum in your billfold along with your dollars.

Understanding the Aurum

As the saying goes, a picture’s worth a thousand words. Here’s a picture of an Aurum designed for Peak Prosperity that the Valaurum team produced for us:

(click here to purchase)

(click here to purchase)

You’ll see that with even just 1/20th of a gram of gold involved, it’s enough to make the Aurum appear to be “made of” gold. The characteristic luster, color, and shine of the 24-karat gold used is immediately apparent.

The Aurum is designed to be handled in the same manner as we do with our “paper” money. And, despite having a more ‘plastic’ feel to it (resulting from the polyester backing), it’s as flexible, lightweight, and familiar-feeling as paper currency.

The big difference, of course, is that instead of being a claim on something else, it simply is what it is: a fractional gram of gold. It can be stored, traded, or melted down just like a coin or bar.

Here’s a brief video that gives an overview of the production process:


Being able to hold gold in this form is significant for several reasons.

First, it makes gold ownership available to all budgets. Many of the world’s households have been priced out of gold to date. This changes that completely.

Second, it enables the potential for everyday transactions should we ever return to a precious metal-backed monetary standard. It answers the challenge: How will you pay for your groceries with gold? With an Aurum, it’s now easy.

Whether Valaurum’s product emerges as the winning horse or not, the world definitely needs this type of solution (i.e., convenient fractional physical metal) to go mainstream.

I’m very excited by this new innovation in the bullion industry, and I explore the matter in depth in this podcast. If you’re similarly intrigued, it’s worth the listen.

And for those of you interested in owning an Aurum of your own, you can learn how to purchase the Peak Prosperity Aurum pictured above by clicking here.

Click the play button below to listen to my interview with Adam Trexler (36m:59s):


Adam Taggart: Hello, and welcome to the Resilient Life podcast. Resilient Life is part of, and it is where we focus on practical and actionable knowledge for building a better future. I am your host, Adam Taggart, and today’s guest is Adam Trexler. Adam Trexler is the president of Valaurum, which is a very interesting company that Chris and I have come across.

One of the very common criticisms, I guess you could say, that we will oftentimes encounter with people when we talk about the wisdom of owning precious metals, particularly in physical form, is, Well, hey, if you are read more

CRL Member – The Coalition for the Rule of Law

Aurum Gold Currency – Karen Hudes

May 12, 2015

What if you could carry and exchange gold in the exact same manner as you do with the dollar bills in your wallet?

I’ve recently been introduced to a technology that’s making this possible.

In today’s podcast, I speak with Adam Trexler, President of Valaurum, about this technology and the gold-infused notes it creates. Valaurum’s mission is to democratize ownership of gold by converting it into a form affordable to anyone.

Democratizing Gold

In short, a fractional gram’s worth of gold is affixed to layers of polyester, creating a note called an “Aurum” similar in dimension and thickness to a U.S. dollar bill. This gold (usually 1/10th or 1/20th of a gram) is commercially recoverable. So an Aurum offers similar potential as a coin or bar, in terms of providing a vehicle for storing and exchanging known, dependable increments of precious metals just in much smaller (and more affordable) amounts than commercially available to date.

The big idea here? In a world where a 1oz coin of gold costs over $1,200, an Aurum will let you hold a few dollars’ worth of gold in a single note. If you’ve got pocket change, you can be a precious metals owner.

And you don’t have to change your behavior. You can store and transport an Aurum in your billfold along with your dollars.

Understanding the Aurum

As the saying goes, a picture’s worth a thousand words. Here’s a picture of an Aurum designed for Peak Prosperity that the Valaurum team produced for us:

(click here to purchase)

(click here to purchase)

You’ll see that with even just 1/20th of a gram of gold involved, it’s enough to make the Aurum appear to be “made of” gold. The characteristic luster, color, and shine of the 24-karat gold used is immediately apparent.

The Aurum is designed to be handled in the same manner as we do with our “paper” money. And, despite having a more ‘plastic’ feel to it (resulting from the polyester backing), it’s as flexible, lightweight, and familiar-feeling as paper currency.

The big difference, of course, is that instead of being a claim on something else, it simply is what it is: a fractional gram of gold. It can be stored, traded, or melted down just like a coin or bar.

Here’s a brief video that gives an overview of the production process:


Being able to hold gold in this form is significant for several reasons.

First, it makes gold ownership available to all budgets. Many of the world’s households have been priced out of gold to date. This changes that completely.

Second, it enables the potential for everyday transactions should we ever return to a precious metal-backed monetary standard. It answers the challenge: How will you pay for your groceries with gold? With an Aurum, it’s now easy.

Whether Valaurum’s product emerges as the winning horse or not, the world definitely needs this type of solution (i.e., convenient fractional physical metal) to go mainstream.

I’m very excited by this new innovation in the bullion industry, and I explore the matter in depth in this podcast. If you’re similarly intrigued, it’s worth the listen.

And for those of you interested in owning an Aurum of your own, you can learn how to purchase the Peak Prosperity Aurum pictured above by clicking here.

Click the play button below to listen to my interview with Adam Trexler (36m:59s):


Adam Taggart: Hello, and welcome to the Resilient Life podcast. Resilient Life is part of, and it is where we focus on practical and actionable knowledge for building a better future. I am your host, Adam Taggart, and today’s guest is Adam Trexler. Adam Trexler is the president of Valaurum, which is a very interesting company that Chris and I have come across.

One of the very common criticisms, I guess you could say, that we will oftentimes encounter with people when we talk about the wisdom of owning precious metals, particularly in physical form, is, Well, hey, if you are read more